Short title, with the significant phrase first. Minimal capitalisation. e.g. Colenso, William or Tate, Frank or Adolescence or Sydney Girls High School or Picot Report or Literacy education. If the entry is for a person, family name first, followed by a comma and the given name.
Geographical site and time period covered by entry
For example: Australia, 1788-1850; New Zealand, 1890-1910; South Australia, 1900-1960
Key words and phrases
Up to eight key words and phrases.
Name of author, degree/s, institution of author
No academic titles, but degree abbreviations if desired, e.g. Sara Perkins, MA. Institution of author optional, “Independent scholar” if desired.
Entry posted and last updated
This will be entered by editors.
Main Text
Length: Between 500 and 3,000 words. Short paragraphs.
Subheadings major [bold] and subheadings minor [bold, italic] help readability. Please introduce subheadings into your entry.
Entry may include citations (author-date, Harvard style) and internet links. The entry does not use footnotes or endnotes for citation. Minimal endnotes to elaborate on the text may occasionally be used if necessary.
Hyperlinks are encouraged, but only to academically viable/respectable sites. For example, biographical to Australian Dictionary of Biography or Te Ara (Encyclopaedia of New Zealand). Other sites may be possible.
Visual material
Visual material such as scanned documents, photographs, drawings etc. encouraged.
- The author must make every possible effort to track the copyright status of the image.
- The author is responsible for applying to any owner or guardian of the image for permission to publish, where that is required.
- The author is responsible for meeting any conditions required for image publication.
- Note the requirements of the owner/guardian of an image regarding a ‘source of image’ statement in the caption.
Images must be sent as separate jpeg files. Do not embed them within your text. Indicate in your entry where you wish particular images to go. Also insert your image caption text at this point. The editors will place the material as the entry is being formatted for publication.
Optional. Most entries are unlikely to require glossaries. Word or phrase being glossed in italics, then complete sentence or sentences in plain type. Go back to the main entry and italicise the words and phrases that are glossed.
Cross references
Where possible, these will be entered by the editors.
Bibliography and references
Important part of the entry. Main published works on the entry topic need to be here as well as any bracketed author/date references in the main text of the entry. Required style: Harvard (author/date). See other DEHANZ entries for correct use of the style, including formatting. Maximum of 15 references. Not much point putting references in that are difficult for general readers to access, including primary sources. These are dictionary entries, not academic articles.
Citation of this entry
This will be entered by editors of the Dictionary.